Useful NPM Tips and Tricks for Developers

Supercharge Your Productivity: Unleash the Power of NPM with These Tips and Tricks


4 min read


Welcome to the world of NPM (Node Package Manager), where productivity meets efficiency! As a JavaScript developer, you're probably familiar with NPM and its role in managing packages. But did you know that there are some incredible tips and tricks that can take your development workflow to the next level? In this blog post, we'll explore a collection of invaluable NPM hacks that will boost your productivity and help you streamline your projects. Let's dive in!

  1. Understanding NPM: A Brief Overview

Before we jump into the tips and tricks, let's quickly recap what NPM is and why it's essential for JavaScript developers. As the default package manager for Node.js, NPM allows you to install, update, and manage dependencies effortlessly. By having a solid understanding of NPM's capabilities, you'll be better equipped to leverage its full potential.

  1. Essential NPM Commands You Should Know

Get ready to supercharge your development process with these must-know NPM commands. From installing packages to managing scripts, we'll cover the key commands that will make your life easier and save you valuable time. Say goodbye to manual package management!

  1. Instantly Run Packages without Installing

Discover a hidden gem of the NPM world - utility packages. These packages aren't just for programmers; they can enhance your daily life too! Learn how to run utility packages directly from the command line using the npx command. From checking your internet speed to finding the password of your current WiFi network, you'll be amazed at the possibilities.

npx speed-test
npx emoj unicorn
npx public-ip-cli
npx wifi-password-cli
  1. Getting Package Details with npm view

Knowledge is power, and when it comes to npm packages, having the right information at your fingertips can make a world of difference. Learn how to use the npm view command to get detailed insights into any package, including its repository URL, dependencies, and last update date. Stay informed and make informed decisions.

npm view eslint
  1. Faster Package Installation with npm-ci

Waiting for packages to install can be frustrating, especially when you're in the zone. Enter npm-ci, the command that can significantly speed up the installation process. Say goodbye to sluggish installations and hello to rapid development. We'll show you how to use this game-changing command.

npm ci
  1. Reclaiming Disk Space with npkill

Is your disk space being hogged by multiple node_modules folders? Say no more. We'll introduce you to npkill, the hero that finds and deletes those redundant folders, helping you reclaim precious disk space. Let's tidy up and optimize your development environment!

npx npkill
  1. Streamlining Git Repository Downloads with degit

Downloading Git repositories can be time-consuming, especially when you only need the latest commit. Meet degit, your new best friend. We'll show you how to use degit to quickly download the latest commit of a repository without the hassle of cloning the entire history. Get the code you need in a flash.

npx degit username/repo
npx degit labnol/apps-script-starter
  1. Managing Installed Packages: Listing and Removing

Keeping track of installed packages is crucial for a clean and organized project. We'll guide you through listing installed packages with npm ls, and show you how to differentiate between global and project-specific packages. Plus, we'll introduce depcheck, the tool that helps you identify and remove unused packages, ensuring a leaner and more efficient project.

npm ls --depth=0
npm ls -g
  1. Keeping Track of Outdated Dependencies

Outdated packages can lead to compatibility issues and potential vulnerabilities. Stay up to date with npm outdated, a command that helps you identify packages in need of an update. We'll also explore ncu and npm-check, two powerful tools for updating your package.json file and ensuring you're always on the cutting edge.

npx depcheck
  1. Uninstalling Redundant Packages with npm prune

Sometimes packages become redundant, no longer listed in your package.json file. Cleaning up can be a hassle, but fear not! npm prune comes to the rescue. We'll walk you through using npm prune to remove those unnecessary packages and keep your project tidy. Alternatively, we'll share a quick method for a fresh start.

npx unimported
  1. Ensuring Package Security with npm audit

Security should never be overlooked when it comes to your projects. Discover npm audit, the command that helps you identify potential vulnerabilities in your packages. We'll also explore npm audit fix, a command that automatically applies fixes, making your project safer and more reliable.

npm audit
npm audit fix

Dive Deeper

Expand your NPM knowledge with these valuable websites. From, which helps you analyze package sizes, to, a tool for comparing different package versions, and, which offers insights into package popularity trends. These websites will become your go-to resources for optimizing your package choices.


Congratulations! You've unlocked a treasure trove of NPM tips and tricks to turbocharge your productivity. By mastering these techniques, you'll streamline your development process, save time, and optimize your projects. Embrace the power of NPM, and let it be your trusted companion on your coding journey. Start implementing these tips today, and watch your productivity soar to new heights! Happy coding!